Scholarship Application Form

As a social enterprise, WoLCE is committed to redirecting the proceeds from our events back into efforts to increase accessibility for the less privileged.

Each team applying for a scholarship should only fill this form in ONCE. There are three different type of scholarship applications that are typically approved for WoLCE events that meet our social objectives. Each WoLCE event is mandated to have scholarships granted - the total number of scholarships granted are set at 20% of the tournament’s revenue collection and any additional donations that are provided to fund individuals for the event. The selection process is done by the scholarship committee of WoLCE and approved 7 days prior to a given event. Only one person per team needs to fill in the scholarship form.

You may apply for a scholarship application for the following categories:

i) Financial Aid Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to individual(s) that cannot afford the registration fee based on their household income, purchasing power parity, or financial circumstances.

ii) Newcomer Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to individual(s) that haven’t attended competitive speaking tournaments prior to the event, or are relatively new and looking for means to develop their budding talents. The entire team must qualify as newcomers to be eligible for this scholarship.

iii) Merit Scholarship

This scholarship is granted to individual(s) that have succeeded at many competitions by either ranking highly, or winning them and is meant to be granted to competent individual(s) that are experienced and their presence can help other individuals develop their talents as well.

Important Note

Scholarship slots are limited, we are not able to offer all applicants a scholarship to debate. To secure your slots, if you are able to, please directly purchase your team slots from our store, and leave scholarship slots to teams that genuinely need it.

Please note as well that if you accept a scholarship to debate and either do not show up for the event, or reject it immediately before the event, you will be blacklisted from receiving financial aid in the future, with the sole exception of a genuine emergency.